A good Admin:

Does Admin duty.
Is trustful.
Doesn't abuse power.
Knows the rules.
Has a good behavior.

Initiate: New to the guild, or refuses to follow rules such as the guild storage rule.

Member: Guildies that are active and talkative for 7 days.

Veteran: Guildies that are active, talkative and helpful for 14 days.

Officer: Members who will recruit from time to time, help other members, and are talkative (along with everything from Veteran rank)

Admin: Decided by GM, trusty and would do a good job at handling situations such as drama, who are not biased when making decisions, and will help and recruit along with officers and vets, also in charge of guild ads if needed.


[Retrieve] Rules:

1.-Don't touch GM's Eve's
2.-Be respectful.
3.-15 days offline and you are out.

4.-We help when we can, don't beg for help we also have out own stuff to do.
5.-Try to have the less alts possible.
6.-Avoid PDA and spam, its quite annoying for some players.
7.-Stop bullying when you see it.
8.-If you got a high guild rank, act alike.
9.-Ranks are decided by either Admin or GM
10.-Behave for the reputation of our guild.
11.-Don't store the guild chest with useless items.
12.-Notify an Admin if they are online if you are taking stuff from chest.
13.-Don't forget to give when you take from chest.

Follow all of the conditions of the above and you won't have any problem, doubts will be answered.
